How to Import StudyCardsAI Decks to Anki Mobile

A step-by-step guide to importing your AI-generated flashcard decks from StudyCardsAI to Anki Mobile for effective mobile learning.

Download .apkg file from StudyCardsAI

Download the Deck

Download your .apkg file from StudyCardsAI by clicking the "Download" button on your deck page.

Open Anki mobile app and press Import

Open Anki Mobile

Open the Anki mobile app, tap the three dots menu, and select "Import" from the options.

Select Deck Package (.apkg)

Select File Type

Choose "Deck Package (.apkg)" from the list of import options.

Press Add to confirm

Confirm Addition

Tap "Add" to confirm you want to import the deck to your collection.

Press Import to complete

Import the Deck

Press "Import" to begin importing your flashcards. This process may take a moment depending on the deck size.

Import complete

Start Learning!

Your deck is now imported and ready for study. You can find it in your deck list and begin learning right away.

Additional Tips for Success

Keep Your App Updated

Ensure you're using the latest version of Anki mobile for the best import experience.

Import Time

Larger decks may take longer to import. Be patient and don't close the app during import.

Ready to Start Learning?

Create your first AI-generated flashcard deck and start learning more effectively today.

Create Your First Deck