A video guide to importing your AI-generated flashcard decks from StudyCardsAI to Anki Desktop for effective learning.
Access your deck on StudyCardsAI and click the Download Flashcards button
Save the .apkg file to your computer in an easily accessible location
Open Anki Desktop and click Import File from the main screen
Select the downloaded .apkg file and click Open to begin import
Review the import summary and start studying with your new deck!
Ensure you're using the latest version of Anki Desktop for the best import experience. Regular updates include bug fixes and performance improvements that can enhance your studying experience.
Keep your downloaded .apkg files organized in a dedicated folder for easy access. This makes it simple to find and import your decks, especially when you have multiple study subjects.
Create your first AI-generated flashcard deck and start learning more effectively today with Anki integration.
Create Your First Deck